Music Music Music 10-16-12
Hello Friends,
Yes, I’m a bit behind this week. Been working my backside off with IT consulting for a customer with big issues. Have managed to squeeze a few brief opportunities to escape to music to clear my head of all the computer junk lurking there. 🙂 As a for instance, I managed to get to song writer’s night a bit late last night and got to play with Bob Tobin, Ted McKee, Lorna & Bruce Roberts & Pete Ledbetter. But I had to bail out before it was over knowing that I was already sleepy but had another 2 hours of work to do before I could go to bed. Unfortunately I missed the session where David Owens, who showed up late after a gig, along with Andy Norman, Bob Tobin and the one and only Juke Joint Johnny. I talked to Johnny though, and he said he may just come out and raid my Dunleavy’s gig sometime soon. Man I love the music business, get to play with so many talented folks!!! Kristy Star & Gary Hewitt also made it by for an appearance last night. Always a treat.
So here’s where things are going this week…..
Ok, so I have an IT heavy week ahead but there is some music in it as well…
Too late to list Song Writer night at Home Team BBQ West Ashley which is every Monday starting at 8pm.
Tonight… Tuesday 10/16 starting at 7:30pm – Dunleavy’s Pub on Sullivan’s Island. I’ll be joined by Fiddlin’ Marci Shore and Bass Fiddlin’ Andy Norman. There may be other guests as well but I have no confirmations as yet. There have been many folks stop by and all of them (and others) are welcome always!! Recently seen… Roger Bellow, Brian Aldridge (of Ohio’s Dry Branch Fire Squad), & Steve Currier.
I’m playing a few private things thru the week including a nursing near home. Always fun!
Saturday I’m heading down near Hilton Head Island for an afternoon wedding but am going to try to burn up the road to get to a concert in Charleston that evening…
Bob Tobin, an awesome singer, songwriter, player etc… is doing a CD release party at Gage Hall in downtown Charleston starting at 7:30pm. Since I’m coming in from out of town I’m going to do my best to be there to join him for the second half (give or take a little). In any case I’ll get there when I can. Bob’s new CD is stellar and he’ll have plenty onhand there and it’s also available through his new website (which I built for him) at
The new cd is The Other Side Of The Horizon. His other album Sack ‘A Songs is also there along with one from he and his wife Adele.
Hope to see you out there somewhere soon! Thanks for the continuing support of local music and especially yours truly!!
♫ ♫ ♫ Happy Trails to You ♫ ♫ ♫ Until we meet again!!! ♫ ♫ ♫
♫ Bob Sachs ♫
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