Music Music Music 7-24-2012
Hello Friends,
Well here it is, time for that weekly update of goings on in my world of music. Actually a little late this time. Had a great time at Songwriter’s night tonight which is pretty much an every Monday event over at Home Team West Ashley. Enjoyed having this past weekend off and spending time at home. It seems rare these days to get to spend that much time at once with my very supportive wife! We had a wonderful time together even with the heat. The coming week has a new event at a new venue so here goes…
Monday… oops, it’s past now but Songwriter’s night was fun!!
Tuesday @ Dunleavy’s Pub on Sullivan’s Island music starting about 7:30. This week will be Marci Shore and myself joined by Andy Norman on the doghouse bass. Never know who else might show up. Looking forward to another fun Tuesday of music. Join us! 🙂
Wednesday, Not positive on this one so if you think you may want to come out email me first. I believe I remember correctly that I’ll be with Clay Rice out at Freshfields Village. We play right out on the green prior to a movie. The set runs about an hour and Clay is a real Charleston treasure.
Friday night I’ll be with Marci Shore as a duo with music starting at 9pm. We’ll be at the Dog & Duck in Mt. Pleasant. I neglected to ask her but I’m 99% sure that it’ll be the one on Long Point road. It’ll be our first time there. We’re sure to have a good night and the food was certainly great last time I was there.
Sunday, Pretty sure Ted is back at DD Peckers and I’ll most likely be over to join the fun. We’ve been having a blast on Sunday evenings and the music is early starting about 6:30. SOmetimes I’m not there till 7 or 7:30, but lots of great musicians join Ted on a regular basis.
That’s it for this week’s edition. Hope you’re enjoying a great summer and getting out to see lots of music. Your support is always appreciated!!
Hope to see you out there soon! 🙂
♫ Bob Sachs ♫