First Official List Email
Howdy all and thanks for allowing me this space in your inbox.
As you may have heard, I’m making some changes in my musical life. I plan to do some more singing and you may see me play lots more guitar. I’ve had to dust it off and try to relearn how to play the dang thing, but it’s coming along. I’ve heard many supportive comments from folks at gigs (including many of you) about singing and such. I’ll be breaking my way into that post haste! I’m reminded of Homer & Jethro talking… “why didn’t ya jump in there?” … “I didn’t want to get all banged up!!!” (hehe)
Many know that I’m a frequent attendee at the Monday night Song Writer’s night at Sunfire grill (8p until…). It starts at 8pm and includes many talented folks. Most times each writer gets up and does 2 songs. I sit in with a few different folks when they do their songs. — Answer to obvious question…. – I’m working on some songs, then I’ll ask for a slot. Meanwhile I support the others there.
This week I’ll be skipping Monday night at Sunfire though it will still be there and I recommend it. I figured being my wife’s birthday maybe I better spend a little time with her. Probably the smart thing to do.
Tuesday night 12/6 I’ll be at Dunleavy’s with Walter & Gary with one noticeable change. I plan to do lots of singing and will probably spend much of the night on guitar. This is the part I mentioned above about me getting “all banged up!!” 😉 Fear not! I’m not giving up the mandolin! Just trying some new stuff. I’ll figure out how to work in more Mando again as time progresses. Bear with me.
Friday night 12/9 7-10 my pal Tommy Hanson and his band Wood & Steel are doing their monthly coffee house at All Saints Lutheran Church 2107 N Highway 17, Mount Pleasant, SC
I often make this one when I’m not otherwise booked so I can hang with these kind folks. Looking good for this week so far.
Saturday 12/10 1-4 I’ll be with Blue Plantation Band doing Bluegrass from 1-4pm. It’s right there at Moultrie Middle School.
Sunday 12/11 2-5p my buddy Roger is having a jam at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mt Pleasant. All levels welcome and encouraged. It’s semi-private but if you know Roger Bellow I’m sure you’ll have no problem. There is a minor Town & Country Club membership fee that is annual. Unless things change a bit I hope to be there around 3-3:30 til the end. That’s where I like to break out the fiddle. Don’t get to do that too often.
That’s it for now. Again THANKS for allowing me into your inbox!! The format of these emails will develop as I get more experience in doing them (just like the format of shows where I’m singing more or most lead). Gonna try to make it easy to read the where’s and when’s so you can find me.
Thanks too for all the encouragement as I make my way from 30 years as a sideman, singing choruses to thousands of songs, to more of a front man, having to go back and learn some (ok most) of those danged verses!!
Stay tuned for new developments. 🙂
♫ Bob Sachs ♫
(working on a new website too)
PS. Be assured that if at any point you want off this list you need only reply and ask to be removed. No hard feelings, no hassles!!